郭伟 教授









  郭博士专注于造血干细胞和肿瘤耐药的研究。郭伟实验室精于人类和小鼠遗传学,分子生物学,细胞生物学,生物医学,及基因组学的方法。郭博士在造血干细胞的损伤反应、白血病发病、肺癌干细胞、大肠癌转移以及肿瘤耐药调控等方面有突破性建树。他建立了第一个由PTEN缺失导致T细胞急性白血病的小鼠模型,揭示了该种新亚型的存在,多因子突变导致白血病干细胞形成的过程,以及mTOR抑制剂的双重抗白血病机制。而且分离了临床肿瘤中的肺癌干细胞,揭示NOTCH1调控其自我更新和铂类耐药的机制。郭博士在Nature、Cell Stem Cell、PNAS、Blood、Cancer Research、Molecular Cell Biology等国际权威期刊上发表了十余篇重要的论文。由于郭博士的杰出研究工作,他被邀请到世界著名的研究机构和会议作学术演讲,并且受邀做Stem cells、oncotarget等著名期刊的论文评审人以及国家自然基金委、欧洲捷克共和国等的基金评审人。






1) Zhang Y, Xu W, Guo H, Zhang Y, He Y, Lee SH, Song X, Li X, Guo Y, Zhao Y, Ding C, Ning F, Ma Y, Lei QY, Hu X, Li S* and Guo W*. NOTCH1 signaling regulates self-renewal and platinum chemoresistance of cancer stem-like cells in human non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Res 2017;77: 3082-91

2) Yang M, Chen S, Du J, He J, Wang Y, Li Z, Liu G, Peng W, Zeng X, Li D, Xu P, Guo W, Chang Z, Wang S, Tian Z, and Dong Z. NK cell development requires Tsc1-dependent negative regulation of IL-15-triggered mTORC1 activation. Nature Communications 7, 12730 (2016)

3) Schubbert S, Cardenas A, Chen H, Garcia C, Guo W, Bradner JE, and Wu H. Targeting the MYC and PI3K pathways eliminates leukemia-initiating cells in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Res 2014;74:7048-59

4) Li Z, Lan Y, He W, Chen D, Wang J, Zhou F, Wang Y, Sun H, Chen X, Xu C, Li S, Zhu L, Fan M, Shang A, Ju Z, Luo L, Ding Y, Guo W, Cheng T, Yang X, and Liu B. Mouse Embryonic Head as a Novel Site for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development. Cell Stem Cell 2012;11:663-75.

5) Guo W#, Schubbert S, Chen JY, Valamehr B, Mosessian S, Shi H, Dang NH, Garcia C, Theodoro MF, Varella-Garcia M, and Wu H. Suppression of leukemia development caused by PTEN loss. PNAS 2011; 108: 1409-1414.

6) Guo W#, Lasky JL, Chang CJ, Mosessian S, Lewis X, Xiao Y, Yeh JE, Chen JY, Iruela-Arispe LM, Varella-Garcia M, and Wu H. Multi-genetic events collaboratively contribute to Pten null leukemia stem cell formation. Nature 2008; 453: 529-533.

7) Drakos E., Rassidakis GZ, Leventaki V, Guo W, Medeiros LJ and Nagarajan L. Differential expression of the human MIXL1 gene product in Non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphomas. Hum Pathol 2007; 38(3):500-7.

8) Guo W#, Liang H and Nagarajan L. Amino terminal tyrosine phosphorylation of human MIXL1. J. Mol. Signaling 2006; 1:6.

9) Yilmaz OH, Valdez R, Threisen BK, Guo W, Ferguson DO, Wu H, Morrison SJ. Pten dependence distinguishes hematopoietic stem cells from leukemia initiating cells. Nature 2006; 441:475-82.

10) Guo W* Lasky JL, and Wu H. Cancer stem cells. Pediatr Res 2006; 59: 59-64.

11) Stiles BL, Kuralwalla-Martinez C, Guo W, Gregorian C, Wang Y, Tian J, Magnuson MA, Wu H. Selective deletion of Pten in pancreatic β cells leads to increased islet mass and resistance to STZ-Induced diabetes. Mol Cell Biol 2006; 26:2772-81.

12) Guo W#, Chan AP, Liang H, Wieder ED, Molldrem JJ, Etkin LD and Nagarajan L. A human Mix-like homeobox gene MIXL shows functional similarity to Xenopus Mix.1. Blood 2002; 100:89-95.

13) Jiang Y, Liang H, Guo W, Kottickal LV and Nagarajan L. Differential expression of a novel C-terminally truncated splice form of SMAD5 in hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia. Blood 2000; 95(12): 3945-50.

14) Liang H, Guo W and Nagarajan L. Chromosomal mapping and genomic organization of an evolutionarily conserved zinc finger gene ZNF277. Genomics 2000; 66(2): 226-8.