

报告:Transform xenotransplantation into clinical reality using CRISPR-Cas genome editing technologies


浙江大学干细胞与转化医学联盟副主席郭国骥教授,于2018年3月23日邀请到了哈佛大学杨璐菡博士进行学术报告。届时,将在浙江大学紫金港校区医学院综合楼205室上午10点举行学术报告,题目为“Transform xenotransplantation into clinical reality using CRISPR-Cas genome editing technologies”。届时欢迎各位踊跃参加。


Xenotransplantation is a promising strategy to alleviate the shortage of organs for human transplantation. The concerns of pig-to-human immunological compatibility and the risk of cross-species transmission of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) have impeded the clinical application of this approach.  Using CRISPR-Cas9, we inactivated all the PERVs in a porcine primary cell line and generated PERV-inactivated pigs via somatic cell nuclear transfer. Our study highlights the value of PERV inactivation to prevent cross-species viral transmission and demonstrated the successful production of PERV-inactivated animals to address the safety concerns in clinical xenotransplantation.  Using our genome editing platform and upon the PERV-inactivation pig background, we are creating Pig 2.0 with advanced immunological modifications to address immunological and functional compatibility issues.